About FOSS Engineered

Inform, inspire, innovate. 

Whether it’s time, money, or information that’s standing between you and the project you’ve been thinking about, FOSS Engineered is here to help.

That’s what FOSS means—free and open-source software. Or in this case, free and open-source skills. You can learn how to build the truck, how to use the software, how to construct the mantle—all without paying for a course or certification. Inform, inspire, and innovate are the foundations of FOSS Engineered, and the principles behind our work. 

Inform. Free tutorials and instructional content are available on our site and YouTube channel so you can turn your ideas into projects. You can watch a project go from a concept to a reality, and follow along on the journey. 

Inspire. You don’t just need to know how to begin, you have to want to begin. All you need is one little spark of inspiration to get started. We’ve got the lighter. 

Innovate. “Wouldn’t it be cool if…” Yes, it would be cool. Make it. Create it. If you think a project would be fun, then we do too. Stick around and get the tips and tricks you need to make that cool thing. 

You might be wondering about our logo, the FOSS Engineered alpaca. The reason behind him is simple—alpacas are fun, and they’re quick learners. Just like us.